Outcome and Expectation
When we are young our sport environment bestows upon us certain beliefs and expectations that may encourage or discourage our personal growth in many aspects of life and sports. Our sport environment and genetic make up are major contributors in achieving elite athletic potential.While having Lebron’s genes and training with professional trainers can make a huge contribution to your success on the court, maybe the most important factor in your athletic growth could be your personal beliefs.
Personal beliefs can be both positive or negative, arise from many sources and eventually they can become your reality. As we attach a negative belief to a certain experience like missing a jump shot we start to limit ourselves and believe in the negative outcome as truth in our sub-conscious.
We must refocus our efforts as individuals back upon self reliance and managing personal expectations with realistic and positive work ethic.
Dismantling limiting beliefs that put invisible ceilings on our own game by positive expectations,passion and effort. Train to avoid the negative belief or reaction as a form of self practice and re-shift focus to positive outcome.
Training Thought- Training for POWER! True power must be around Maximum outputs not Sub Maximal to train for full force development.
Questions to the Reader
What Factors are limiting your Growth?
Who are you today and what can you be tomorrow or in 90 days with focus on positive expectations and outcomes?
What are your expectations and your desired outcomes?
Tips for achieving success
Focus on the outcomes you can feel as if they were real
Sky is the Limit-Play and train without an invisible ceiling in your game
Beliefs create your reality
Physical limitations can be temporary obstacles and the training in itself