Training for boxing is a great way to gain confidence, increase basketball performance through cross training in off season and implement new neural patterns and movements. Kids don’t punch people, punch bags.
– Author Mike Atkinson
Bad Form Fellas, Bad Form,Basketball players in general are not known for their hand to hand combat on the court, awful punching techniques, cheap shots and other NBA memorable altercations playback in my memory.
The Crossover between Boxing and Basketball will make you a Better Athlete and Player!
- Fundamental “Athletic Stance” sometimes referred to as a “Blade”(a skate board stance basically) used for protection and to generate power from trunk/hip rotation
- Strength is a major factor in the ability to maintain balance (core, stance)
- Keep your head in the fight not only mentally but physichally
- If you catch yourself leaning odds are you will be exposed
Hip Mobility–
- To generate power we must create some sort of leverage
- Mobility allows us to rotate and pivot the back foot to generate a straight right
- The ability to squat down and create hip extension through an uppercut
- A fundamental movement often overlooked upon the higher we progress through the basketball hierarchy
- Stance, Balance and the ability to stay in a bladed postition allow the boxer to always face their opponent in a stance
- Force x Speed, the force generated = Stance,Strength, Balance,Hip Mobility
Hand Speed/Anticipation/Reaction/Conditioning-–
NBA Athletes using Boxing for Training in Off Season.
YouTube – Magnum Rolle Project
Roy Hibbert, Paul George Add MMA Training To Their Workouts